Had my weigh-in last night and I lost 2.86lbs, which is my lowest loss to date, but I wasn’t disappointed as I was quite expecting it due to the large loss I had last week, which seemed to come out of nowhere. The best bit though is that I’ve now lost 3 stone 2lbs (44.44lbs to be precise) in 10 weeks, my BMI is down to 35.7 (was 43.7 when I started LL) and I am just so chuffed to bits.
Our class was really depleted last night as there were only 3 of us but this is because there are 3 now on holiday and I think the other lady couldn’t make last night. We thought we’d be out really early due to so few, but we were chatting for ages and were actually out later than normal.
One of the ladies brought in some of her size 18 clothes for me, which I tried on as soon as I got home, well after phoning Mum & Allan first. I looked at the trousers and thought ‘they won’t fit me yet,’ especially one pair as they looked tiny. I had a go though and you know what, they all fitted, even the tiny ones, which were a bit snugger than the rest, but I did them up no problem and with none of this lying on the bed to zip them up, which is what I’ve done in the past as I’m sure everyone has at some stage. One pair was even from Monsoon, I’ve never bought anything from there as I always thought I was too fat & too short for their clothes, so that made it doubly special. Most of the tops are pretty fashionable, being the longer style that people wear over trousers/leggings and there were a couple that looked really good, I think. I’m not sure as I’ve never worn that type of top before so I think I might take them over my friends and do a little fashion show to see what she thinks . It’ll make a change from my normal M&S 3 for 2 t-shirts that cost a fiver.
This lady has also come up with the idea of having a magazine/paper article about our group along with a photo shoot when we’ve all got to or nearly at goal, promoting LL and how good the group sessions are and stuff like that, along with our individual stories. She’s already spoken to a journalist, who’s covered quite a few LL people; he seemed interested and wants to see our before photos. We’ve all agreed to it, well the ones on holiday don’t know about it yet, but I’m sure they’ll be up for it. If nothing comes of it, it won’t matter, but it’s certainly given me a goal to work towards, as I didn’t really have any major goal when I first started LL, I just knew I had to lose the weight.
Last night Mum & I were off for our walk again, round a beautiful golf course and through the village and forgetting my camera yet again! I’m out walking again tonight (I don’t think I’ve ever walked so much) with my friend round the lido that we did on Monday and I will be taking my camera this time, so hope the weather holds for some nice pictures.
Well, that’s about it for the moment
Our class was really depleted last night as there were only 3 of us but this is because there are 3 now on holiday and I think the other lady couldn’t make last night. We thought we’d be out really early due to so few, but we were chatting for ages and were actually out later than normal.
One of the ladies brought in some of her size 18 clothes for me, which I tried on as soon as I got home, well after phoning Mum & Allan first. I looked at the trousers and thought ‘they won’t fit me yet,’ especially one pair as they looked tiny. I had a go though and you know what, they all fitted, even the tiny ones, which were a bit snugger than the rest, but I did them up no problem and with none of this lying on the bed to zip them up, which is what I’ve done in the past as I’m sure everyone has at some stage. One pair was even from Monsoon, I’ve never bought anything from there as I always thought I was too fat & too short for their clothes, so that made it doubly special. Most of the tops are pretty fashionable, being the longer style that people wear over trousers/leggings and there were a couple that looked really good, I think. I’m not sure as I’ve never worn that type of top before so I think I might take them over my friends and do a little fashion show to see what she thinks . It’ll make a change from my normal M&S 3 for 2 t-shirts that cost a fiver.
This lady has also come up with the idea of having a magazine/paper article about our group along with a photo shoot when we’ve all got to or nearly at goal, promoting LL and how good the group sessions are and stuff like that, along with our individual stories. She’s already spoken to a journalist, who’s covered quite a few LL people; he seemed interested and wants to see our before photos. We’ve all agreed to it, well the ones on holiday don’t know about it yet, but I’m sure they’ll be up for it. If nothing comes of it, it won’t matter, but it’s certainly given me a goal to work towards, as I didn’t really have any major goal when I first started LL, I just knew I had to lose the weight.
Last night Mum & I were off for our walk again, round a beautiful golf course and through the village and forgetting my camera yet again! I’m out walking again tonight (I don’t think I’ve ever walked so much) with my friend round the lido that we did on Monday and I will be taking my camera this time, so hope the weather holds for some nice pictures.
Well, that’s about it for the moment
Over 3 stone!!! Faaaaantastic new!
It's a great feeling isn't it? Sliding a smaller item of clothing over hips and knowing that the zip is going to go up!
Well done and well done on all the walking too.
Lesley x
Congratulations!!!! THAT"S FANTASTIC!!!!
Well done! And it seems as if the new clothes came at just the right time - you'll have to rethink all your wardrobe soon enough!
You sound so positive in your blog and this weekend I really am going to read it all!
Well done, Amanda.
Big hugs.
Mrs L xxx
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