Had a really fabulous weigh-in last night and I lost 3.08lbs (total 52.8lbs) so in total I’ve lost 3stone 10lbs and my weight is now 13stone 11lbs. I was jigging around like a loony when I realised this, I was just so pleased to get to the next stone bracket. I’m still the only one in my class to have reached the 3 stone mark, but no one seemed disappointed in what they’d lost, which was a good thing I think.
I also got measured and again last night and the inches really seems to be coming off me now
The total inches I’ve lost so far are: -
7¼” from my chest
7¼” from my waist
8” from my hips
22nd August 2007
Chest: 43 ¾”
Waist: 36 ½”
Hips: 45 ¾”
18th July 2007
Chest: 47”
Waist: 39”
Hips: 48”
20th June 2007
Chest: 48”
Waist: 40 ½”
Hips: 50 ½”
23rd May 2007
Chest: 51 ½”
Waist: 43 ¾”
Hips: 53 ¼”
As it was our last class before we head off into Development (actually, we’ll all still be together as we’re all going to the same Development class, so that’ll be great) we had to do a drawing of a field separated by a river. One side was to show where we are now, the other side was to show where we want to be, which we had to depict in drawing, writing or symbols. The river represented the barrier stopping us from achieving our goal. We then had to draw a way of crossing this river, i.e. stepping stones, boat, bridge, stuff like that.
Our next task was to put our names at the top of a piece of paper and pass it round the circle. Each time it was passed, that person had to put something they like/ positive about that person whose name was at the top. When it got back to me I had some really lovely comments, which I’ll keep.
After this, we were given our before & after photos, which was great to see, even though I already have my before picture. This one though was even more hideous than the one on this blog, so I’ll be scanning it in at the weekend and I’ll put it on here for you to see. It was great actually seeing all the other girls photos as we’d grown accustomed to each other, so seeing these pictures reminded us of how far we’d all come.
I also had another bag of clothes from the same lady that gave them to me last time, which are absolutely fabulous. Now normally, I usually buy my clothes from M&S (normally the £5 3 for 2 t-shirts), or from Sainsburys, places like that, but these are from Monsoon, Wallis, John Rocha, they are fantastic. I was up till 11pm last night just trying them on and then I was so excited it took me ages to get off to sleep!! I could get into all the size 18s and there were even some size 16s, some of which, surprisingly enough, I could fit into and they felt great, not tight at all. Some of the size 16 trousers were a bit tight, but they won’t be for long.
So, a fantastic evening was had and next week, I’ll be in Development, even though my 100 days doesn’t come to an end until the 31st August.
I also got measured and again last night and the inches really seems to be coming off me now
The total inches I’ve lost so far are: -
7¼” from my chest
7¼” from my waist
8” from my hips
22nd August 2007
Chest: 43 ¾”
Waist: 36 ½”
Hips: 45 ¾”
18th July 2007
Chest: 47”
Waist: 39”
Hips: 48”
20th June 2007
Chest: 48”
Waist: 40 ½”
Hips: 50 ½”
23rd May 2007
Chest: 51 ½”
Waist: 43 ¾”
Hips: 53 ¼”
As it was our last class before we head off into Development (actually, we’ll all still be together as we’re all going to the same Development class, so that’ll be great) we had to do a drawing of a field separated by a river. One side was to show where we are now, the other side was to show where we want to be, which we had to depict in drawing, writing or symbols. The river represented the barrier stopping us from achieving our goal. We then had to draw a way of crossing this river, i.e. stepping stones, boat, bridge, stuff like that.
Our next task was to put our names at the top of a piece of paper and pass it round the circle. Each time it was passed, that person had to put something they like/ positive about that person whose name was at the top. When it got back to me I had some really lovely comments, which I’ll keep.
After this, we were given our before & after photos, which was great to see, even though I already have my before picture. This one though was even more hideous than the one on this blog, so I’ll be scanning it in at the weekend and I’ll put it on here for you to see. It was great actually seeing all the other girls photos as we’d grown accustomed to each other, so seeing these pictures reminded us of how far we’d all come.
I also had another bag of clothes from the same lady that gave them to me last time, which are absolutely fabulous. Now normally, I usually buy my clothes from M&S (normally the £5 3 for 2 t-shirts), or from Sainsburys, places like that, but these are from Monsoon, Wallis, John Rocha, they are fantastic. I was up till 11pm last night just trying them on and then I was so excited it took me ages to get off to sleep!! I could get into all the size 18s and there were even some size 16s, some of which, surprisingly enough, I could fit into and they felt great, not tight at all. Some of the size 16 trousers were a bit tight, but they won’t be for long.
So, a fantastic evening was had and next week, I’ll be in Development, even though my 100 days doesn’t come to an end until the 31st August.
Bubble bubble bubble - you sound so excited! I'm really pleased for you.
Well done and enjoy it - it just keeps getting better!
Lesley x
Well done!
Have a lovely Bank Holiday.
Big kiss to you.
Mrs Lxxxxx
Excellent post. Thnak you for good articles and good informations i follow blogs you too.
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