Tuesday, 21 August 2007

21st August 2007 - Day 90...!!!!! Blood Pressures

Just a quick post as I have loads of work to do but wanted to post something on my 90th day, which I still can't believe as it's just flown past.

Anyway, in my last weigh-in I got my blood pressure reading from when I first went to the doctors before I started LL (don't know if this is particularly high or not, but it seems it, compaired to what it is now. I've listed them down so I have a record, although I've just noticed I haven't made a note of my second BP test, must get that at weigh-in tomorrow.

23.05.07 - 150/92
18.07.07 - 107/82
13.08.07 - 105/82 (112/83 on the other arm)

I'm also looking forward to getting myself measured tomorrow too, hopefully I've dropped a bit more, I think so, but it's always nice to get it confirmed. We also get given our before & after photos, so I'll get these scanned in at the weekend and post them on here.

Thanks for your suggestions Lesley about jogging & breathing, I'll give that a go & hopefully it'll work for me.


Conn76 said...

Hi there

So great to hear that your 90 days have flown by. I can't wait to post the same thing!


Lesley said...

The BP is great - a tangible demonstration of what you've achieved over and above the weight loss. Well done!

Keep it up and you'll be there inno time.

Lesley x