Sunday, 8 July 2007

8th July 2007 - Day 46

Just a quick post for the moment, as I've got Allan to take my 2 stone pictures, so thought I'd post them before we go off for a walk.

I was so pleased yesterday, as I put a t-shirt on and it fitted so much better than the last time I tried it. It has the word 'Pink' on it (it's a breast cancer t-shirt & one of these photos I've attached), but when I used to wear it, the word looked more like this 'Piiiinnnnkkkkk' as it stretched over my boobs!!! When I looked at the label, it was a size 18, so that made me even happier, much better than a 20!

Hope you can see a difference in the pics.


Lesley said...

Hi Amanda. I'm glad you had a good walk with Barney and Allan, sounds nice down there.

You can definitely see a big difference in the photos - your face especiaily is much thinner and your arms hang down much straighter showing that you've lost weight round your bust and arms. You had a waist before but it definitely looks smaller now and your legs look neater and less chunky. Keep it up Madam!!

Have a great week.

Lesley x

Amanda said...

Thank you Lesley, I couldn't see too much difference myself, but I've been going over my original pics, looking at what you've mentioned i.e. arms, and yes. I can see the difference now.

So, thank you for that.

You have a great week too.

Amanda x