The ladies in the class last night were really upbeat; everyone seemed to have done well, even though there had been a few lapses, not from me I must add. I can’t believe that this is the only diet I haven’t cheated on, I just seem to be in the “diet zone”, it’s like a trigger has gone off in my head and I have to do this. Well, I know I have to do this as I’ve got so much weight to lose, but I’m still amazed.
Anyway, the weigh-in, I lost 3.96lbs (total 29.7lbs), so just over 2 stone in six weeks. I really think that seeing the weight come off this fast is what’s keeping my mind focussed on the job in hand.
As I’m so focussed I don’t seem to have an internal chatterbox (when you tell yourself things like ‘Go on, you can have one of those chocs’, ‘You deserve a treat, it won’t harm you’ things like that). I just know I’ve got to have my four food packs a day and drink at least four litres of water, and that’s all I’m thinking off. If my chatterbox starts up, I’ll have to remember to take notes and not take any notice of it, come to a decision of my own.
Actually, thinking about it, I must have a chatterbox, as it did rear its ugly head last week when I was making the popcorn for my friend’s boy when I was babysitting– it did say ‘go on, you can have some, no one will know’, but I stayed strong and didn’t have any, not one bit, so I really do have to watch out!!
Tonight my friend & I are treating ourselves, we’re going to a do that has things like head massages, mini facials, things like that. I think this will be a great way to celebrate my two stone loss, without having something to eat, fantastic, I can’t wait.
This weekend I’ll get Allan to take my two stone pictures and I’ll post it up, so hopefully it’ll show a difference.
Anyway, the weigh-in, I lost 3.96lbs (total 29.7lbs), so just over 2 stone in six weeks. I really think that seeing the weight come off this fast is what’s keeping my mind focussed on the job in hand.
As I’m so focussed I don’t seem to have an internal chatterbox (when you tell yourself things like ‘Go on, you can have one of those chocs’, ‘You deserve a treat, it won’t harm you’ things like that). I just know I’ve got to have my four food packs a day and drink at least four litres of water, and that’s all I’m thinking off. If my chatterbox starts up, I’ll have to remember to take notes and not take any notice of it, come to a decision of my own.
Actually, thinking about it, I must have a chatterbox, as it did rear its ugly head last week when I was making the popcorn for my friend’s boy when I was babysitting– it did say ‘go on, you can have some, no one will know’, but I stayed strong and didn’t have any, not one bit, so I really do have to watch out!!
Tonight my friend & I are treating ourselves, we’re going to a do that has things like head massages, mini facials, things like that. I think this will be a great way to celebrate my two stone loss, without having something to eat, fantastic, I can’t wait.
This weekend I’ll get Allan to take my two stone pictures and I’ll post it up, so hopefully it’ll show a difference.
Hi Amanda - I don't mind at all - I love comments - I'm a total Comments Tart!!
I'm going to check out where you're up to and will check in from time to time - I thinks it's great to keep widening our little circle.
Glad to hear you're happy on LL - I agree, if it works for you, it's the best diet ever.
Lesley x
Hi Amanda - me again. I've just caught up with your blog. It was a nice diversion for my lunchbreak as it's raining here so I supped my mushroom soup and read away with a happy smile at how well you're doing.
I'm glad I've been an inspiration and I can see that you will be one too as you're clearly taking to LL like a duck to water. I can see you're going to be one of those veyr annoying non-cheaters! I've had a few nibbles here and there and would really advise not to even go down that road as it only makes it harder on yourself.
I think the only reason I've lost so much weight despite the nibbles is the amount of exercise I do!
Still, it's the end result that counts.
I'm looking forward to the next photo as I'm sure you'll be able to see the progress. I would recommend posting piccies often as I get such pleasure from checking back through my blog and seeing the old photos. I look at some now where I remember being over the moon that I looked so much slimmer and I now I see that I was still pretty fat so that makes me even happier at realising how far I've come.
Well done and keep it up.
Lesley x
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