Sunday, 29 July 2007

29th July 2007 – Day 67

Yesterday (Saturday) I was awake early and was quite restless, so decided I’ll walk down to the paper shop. So, at 7.30 in the morning off I went at a brisk pace in the sunshine, it was a beautiful morning and so quiet. I got my paper and headed off home, but instead of taking the direct route back, I kept finding diversions to take a longer way round. Normally, or before LL I wouldn’t have gone off walking in the morning and if I did, I’d certainly not keep finding longer routes to take.

When I was nearing home I thought of Lesley and her running and I wondered whether I could do this too, so I started to jog. It didn’t feel too bad, although I couldn’t go very far as I got out of breath and I definitely needed a better bra on!! Also, a car was coming towards me and I didn’t want it to see me jogging, thinking that the occupants in the car would laugh at the fat girl jogging (I don’t know why I worry about this as I didn’t know them and probably wouldn’t see them again). As soon as it passed though I started again and jogged for a few more hundred yards, I think, I’m not that good on distances. I was only out for about 20 minutes, but because I jogged for a little bit, it really felt like I’d done something.

We then took Barney swimming, which is situated in a place called the Cotswold Water Park, which is a huge place of many lakes made from old gravel pits. Each lake has a different theme like water skiing, sailing and it also has an inland beach, which has a blue flag!! Anyway, whilst we were over that way I wanted to stop at the visitors centre to get one of their booklets, which give circular walks round this park, so will hopefully start doing these shortly.

We also found a fantastic farm shop, which sold vegetables, eggs and meat from rare breeds, all organically farmed and locally reared. It was amazing and Allan bought some steak and lamb for the BBQ.

So, when we got back, he started up the BBQ and I was getting my soup ready and I came to the Adult decision that I wanted to try some of this steak and lamb. This was a big thing for me as I’ve stuck to abstinence totally since the start. I didn’t try much though, I got Allan to cut me off a little taster from each (and I do really mean a little bit, less than a mouthful), just so I could taste it. It had a fabulous flavour and I was happy with that one try and I went straight back to having my mushroom soup.

I will definitely be getting my meat from these people again when I’m back to eating.

Late afternoon, Allan, his mum & I went off to see Harry Potter and in the past when we’ve been to the cinema, I’ve struggled to drink the 4 litres of water, but yesterday I actually managed 5 litres; I was up 3 times in the night wanting the loo mind you, but I did the 5 litres.

All day the annual village festival was being held on the green, where different bands played all day and you could hear the music all over the village. We took a wander down there in the evening but to be honest, the band that was playing wasn’t my cup of tea. We stayed there for a while, Allan had a burger & chips and I even held his chips whilst he ate his burger; I didn’t touch them, just held them and I was really proud of myself as it would have been all too easy to stuff a few in my mouth, but to be honest, I really didn’t want them.

This morning I went off for my walk again round the village, leaving Allan in bed; not quite as early as yesterday, but its Sunday. I even did a bit more jogging and set myself a little goal of where to jog to and I managed it. OK, it wasn’t that far, but I didn’t stop when a car came towards me this time and it was a bit further than yesterday.

We’ve also been tidying up the front garden and we may wash the cars later although mine might die of shock as I can’t remember the last time I washed it. Later on today we are having Sunday lunch down at Allan’s mum’s house, so I’ll be taking my soup with me. If the weather is still nice we may even go up to Barbury Castle again, so I can do my power walk round the top, I’ll try & remember my camera this time.

The only thing I was a bit worried about was on Friday; I had 3 of my food packs and was going to have my 4th in the evening around 8.30/9pm, but we popped into the neighbours and didn’t get back till after 10.30pm and I’d completely forgotten about the last food pack till the next morning. I didn’t know what to do, should I have 5 packs today to make up or just carry on as normal and have 4 so I have 1 pack left at the end of the week? I decided to stick to 4 packs, don’t know if that’s right, but I didn’t feel hungry on Saturday because of it. I’ll have to ask my LLC on Wednesday what I should have done.


Anonymous said...

Well done with all the walking over the weekend. As for the jogging, that is really a huge step for you, but you must stop thinking of yourself as the 'fat girl' as you are well on the way to being a slim girl full of energy.

Keep up the good work.

Love Mum

Lesley said...

I'm pleased you gave running a go. it's amazing how losing a bit of weight makes all the difference and I can see that you might be doing more of it in the future. I would recommend a good bra though as bouncing boobs are not a good thing and certainly don;t encourage you to stretch those legs!!

I'm really looking forward to hitting the hills this evening. It shold be sunny and I've not been out over the weekend - too busy gardening.

Well done - I'm really impressed!

Lesley x