Friday, 20 July 2007

20th July 2007 – Day 58

My friend did a really good thing last night before our walk. She’d weighed out her big bag to a stone and also weighed out her weights to 1 stone 8lbs. When I got to her house she made me pick them up and said “Right, shall we go on our walk with you carrying this then”, my response was “No Way!!!) It really made me think, how had I carried this much weight around with me, it was so heavy, and I’ve got another 5 stone to lose!!!! It was such a good idea, so thank you for that Nich.

Whilst we were chatting on our walk, we were talking about how much better we felt with losing weight. My friend isn’t doing LL but is trying to lose a little weight and she’s lost over a stone now, which is great. Anyway, she told me I should put this in my blog, so I am.

I was saying how I don’t have headaches anymore, which I only realised the other week. Normally I suffered, having headaches nearly every day and I’d go through a packet or two of tablets a week sometimes and I could always guarantee on having my Saturday afternoon headache. Since being on LL and losing the weight, I haven’t suffered with them, which is amazing.

I’m also sleeping so much better, my LLC did say this when we started, but I didn’t quite believe her. It used to take me ages to get off to sleep, I had to read so much to clear my head, otherwise I’d be thinking of things, I’d get a song stuck on the brain and be singing this in my head (if you know what I mean). I’d always wake up in the night and then it’d take me an age to get back off to sleep again, which involved the routine of reading for ages. Now, I still read, but I only get to read a couple of pages and then I’m out like a light. If I do wake up, normally to go to the loo, I’m straight back off to sleep again.

This weekend I’ve got my Mum, Dad & sister all coming down to Allan’s on Saturday, as we are off to an outdoor picnic concert with fireworks. Going by the weather this morning, as it’s absolutely chucking it down and is so dark out there, it’s not looking good, but fingers crossed it’ll cheer up, ever the optimist me!

We are prepared though as we go to these concerts every year, although this is the first time we’ve gone to this one, so are quite prepared for wet weather, it’s just not as much fun. This time we’re off to Westonbirt Arboretum, near Tetbury in Gloucestershire for a change, but we normally go to West Wycombe in Buckinghamshire and I’m really looking forward to it.

We’ve got the picnic sorted and I’m going to have a flask of hot water so I can mix up my savoury drinks, make up crisps to munch on and also take a bar with me. I’ll be having my sparkling water, in a wine glass and I’ve also volunteered to drive home so the others can have a drink, as long as Allan doesn’t get too drunk as I’ll be driving his car, which is dam sight bigger than mine. I have driven it before but normally down the motorway, not down little lanes in the country, where the rabbits seem to be on a suicide mission and chuck themselves in front of you!!

Anyway, send good weather vibes over to the Gloucestershire region for tomorrow for me.

Bye for now


Lesley said...

YOu're turning into a proper prolific blogger now!

It's weird you should mention it, but of all the various benefits of losing weight I've noticed and mentioned in the blog, I haven't mentioned that I too have had a lot less headaches than I used to have. It occurred to me only a day or so ago that I haven't had a headache in months. The only reason I noticed was I came across a pack of Nurofen in a drawer and thought - wow - when did I last take one of these?

So, a good spot there.

I also sleep better and my backache/lower back stiffness in the mornings has totally disappeared!

My OH once planked a 25kg bag of sand in my arms and told me I had lost more than that! In fact I've now lost nearly 50kg. I could carry the 25kg bag but 2 of them just about broke my back! How did I do it?

Keep it up and have a great weekend!

Lesley x

Lesley said...

I've just noticed the final sentence of your last post about good weather vibes for the Gloucester region! I hope you haven't been affected by the flooding?

Good luck and I'm thinking of you.

Lesley x

Mrs said...

Hi Amanda

Just found your blog via Lesley's so will read it and catch up.

Do you mind me asking where you go for your LL sessions? Is your LLC good?

Thank you for blogrolling me; I shall do the same this week!

Hope your trip to Gloucestershire was ok???

Take care.

Mrs L xxx

Amanda said...

Hi Mrs L,

Thank you for reading my blog. I go to LL in Uxbridge, Middx, which is about 10 minutes away from me and my LLC is good, she's so nice.

Amanda x