Well, I had my first class in Development last night and I was really nervous. I think this was down to new people there and it wasn’t just my little group anymore. I got there early and all the other ladies were chatting amongst themselves and I was the first one of my group to arrive. I began to wonder if any of them would turn up, but thankfully one did, which put me much more at ease and then eventually another arrived, so we were chatting in our own little group.
It took an age to get everyone weighed as there were 11 of us. My weigh in was not good this week as I only lost 0.66lbs, but that’s better than nothing or putting it on, so I now only have 3lbs to go to my 4 stone, which hopefully, if I stick to the diet 100% (and I know I’m going to do that this week) I should reach my 4 stone mini target by next week. This has taught me a lesson in cheating and I think I’m going to sit down and re-read my goals I put in the green book and read some of the chapters again to re-focus myself, although this small loss has made me more determined. I’m still really happy though as I’m wearing size 16 jeans and I can’t remember the last time I wore jeans in this size!!!
When everyone had been weighed our LLC got everyone to introduce themselves, although I can’t remember any of their names at all, it took me forever to remember them in my own little class, let alone this amount of people!! Quite a few of them had lost 5½ stone, which is really encouraging and one lady had lost 8 stone and still wants to lose another stone…….she looked amazing, I’d love to see her before photos.
All the ladies in the group seemed really nice and I was a bit worried that all the chat would be about food, but it wasn’t, so I was quite pleased about this, especially after my little blip at the weekend. We didn’t learn anything new, but going by Mrs L’s guide to Development you don’t really, it’s mainly chatting about how you’ve got on in the week and I suppose, if anyone is struggling, then helping them get through it.
I’m really hoping that I’m not in this class for too long though, although it’ll most probably be at least until November/ December time and then I’ll be at my goal weight, although I’m not going to set myself a deadline, I’ll just have to see how it goes. It would be great to be at goal weight by the New Year though.
Good news on the diet front for Allan. My friend (Allan’s neighbour) said to me at the weekend that they were talking to Allan and it came up that when they come back from holiday (which will be next week) they need to lose some weight and Allan actually replied that yes, he needs to lose weight too!! I can’t quite remember if she said that he’s going to start dieting/ cutting down, but hopefully he will soon as he’s now acknowledged that he needs to do something.
Allan also told our friends about the clothes I’d been given from the lady in my class and he actually said that I looked ‘Stunning’. My friend made a point of telling me this as she knew Allan wouldn’t, so that and the fact that he’s acknowledged that he needs to lose weight absolutely made my day.
One thing I did discover over the weekend was ICE CREAM!!! Why oh why didn’t I try making this earlier. I made a chocolate with a bit of Fruits of the Forest flavouring (I think I over did it a bit on the flavouring but it was still nice) and then I made a strawberry one, which was delicious. It made a decent size bowl full and took me ages to eat and I was so full up at the end of it. I’m going to try coffee flavour next (vanilla milkshake pack with instant coffee) as I adore coffee ice cream, can’t wait.
It took an age to get everyone weighed as there were 11 of us. My weigh in was not good this week as I only lost 0.66lbs, but that’s better than nothing or putting it on, so I now only have 3lbs to go to my 4 stone, which hopefully, if I stick to the diet 100% (and I know I’m going to do that this week) I should reach my 4 stone mini target by next week. This has taught me a lesson in cheating and I think I’m going to sit down and re-read my goals I put in the green book and read some of the chapters again to re-focus myself, although this small loss has made me more determined. I’m still really happy though as I’m wearing size 16 jeans and I can’t remember the last time I wore jeans in this size!!!
When everyone had been weighed our LLC got everyone to introduce themselves, although I can’t remember any of their names at all, it took me forever to remember them in my own little class, let alone this amount of people!! Quite a few of them had lost 5½ stone, which is really encouraging and one lady had lost 8 stone and still wants to lose another stone…….she looked amazing, I’d love to see her before photos.
All the ladies in the group seemed really nice and I was a bit worried that all the chat would be about food, but it wasn’t, so I was quite pleased about this, especially after my little blip at the weekend. We didn’t learn anything new, but going by Mrs L’s guide to Development you don’t really, it’s mainly chatting about how you’ve got on in the week and I suppose, if anyone is struggling, then helping them get through it.
I’m really hoping that I’m not in this class for too long though, although it’ll most probably be at least until November/ December time and then I’ll be at my goal weight, although I’m not going to set myself a deadline, I’ll just have to see how it goes. It would be great to be at goal weight by the New Year though.
Good news on the diet front for Allan. My friend (Allan’s neighbour) said to me at the weekend that they were talking to Allan and it came up that when they come back from holiday (which will be next week) they need to lose some weight and Allan actually replied that yes, he needs to lose weight too!! I can’t quite remember if she said that he’s going to start dieting/ cutting down, but hopefully he will soon as he’s now acknowledged that he needs to do something.
Allan also told our friends about the clothes I’d been given from the lady in my class and he actually said that I looked ‘Stunning’. My friend made a point of telling me this as she knew Allan wouldn’t, so that and the fact that he’s acknowledged that he needs to lose weight absolutely made my day.
One thing I did discover over the weekend was ICE CREAM!!! Why oh why didn’t I try making this earlier. I made a chocolate with a bit of Fruits of the Forest flavouring (I think I over did it a bit on the flavouring but it was still nice) and then I made a strawberry one, which was delicious. It made a decent size bowl full and took me ages to eat and I was so full up at the end of it. I’m going to try coffee flavour next (vanilla milkshake pack with instant coffee) as I adore coffee ice cream, can’t wait.