Thursday, 28 June 2007

27th June 2007 Day 35, Part 2 – 5th Weigh-In

Just a quick update on how the class went last night.

Our normal counsellor wasn’t there so we had a locum, who was also doing the Lighter Life diet and had just become a locum. She was lovely and we didn’t really learn much in the class this week, but the group seemed to bond well.

A couple of the group were quite down as one member had lost 2.44lbs and the other less then a pound. The whole group rallied round to cheer them up and to get them to look at what they’ve achieved so far. We also seemed to talk a lot more this week, not just about the diet, but about the support we’re getting at home and I was quite surprised that the two who were down, hardly get any support at all. So, this makes their achievement even more admiral. One lady was even talking about giving up. I think we’d talked her round by the end of the evening and I hope she won’t.

We have lost one member of the group though, it’s nothing to do with the diet, she’d just found out that she’s pregnant, and so the group were really happy and not disheartened.

Anyway, down to the important bit; I was convinced I’d only lost a pound because I hadn’t done any walking this week, but I’d lost 3.08lbs, which is now a total of 25.74lbs. I now have 2.5lbs to go until I reach the 2 stone mark. I just hope I can do this by next week. I’m off out walking tomorrow with my Mum as my friend has gone on holiday……I have to keep up with the exercise.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

27th June 2007 Day 35

Only 65 days to go now, that sounds sooo much better than 100!!

I’ve noticed something this morning; I’m starting to take more care in my appearance, like I used to do before I put on loads of weight.

For ages now I’d been going to work with no make-up on, well, apart from mascara, I always had to wear mascara, and at weekends I often didn’t wear any make-up at all. Where as when I was slimmer, I wouldn’t have been seen dead without putting my face on to go anywhere. Now I don’t mean putting it on with a trowel, but just to make myself look nice, you know what I mean.

But this week, I’ve been using face creams to stop the wrinkles when my face gets thinner. I’ve always said that I haven’t any wrinkles as my face is so round it plumps them out!! So I’m starting now with all the help I can get. I’ve also been putting make-up on and then wearing tops that I wouldn’t normally wear to work, as I kept them for wearing out in the evening. But I’ve decided to get the wear out of them now before they get too big for me.

Last night I was on babysitting duty, to my friend’s son, although you can hardly call it babysitting as he’s 10 and he was upstairs watching a DVD, while I was downstairs watching Eastenders, with me calling up the stairs every now and then to make sure he was OK.

My achievement last night though was making popcorn for him to eat whilst watching his film. OK, I know this is so easy to make, but it was very easy of me to just put some in my mouth, as no one was there to stop me and they wouldn’t have known if I had some. I nearly put one bit in my mouth, I brought it up to my lips, held it there for a second or two and then told myself ‘No, you really don’t need this!’ so I put it back and left the bowl there for him to have later and had my lemon bar with more water instead.

I did use my stretch band though, using the exercises that are given in the book (still haven’t used the DVD), and I could really feel this in my arms. I will have to do this at least once or twice a day to sort my arms out.

Anyway, it’s weigh-in tonight, not feeling too confident of a largish loss as I haven’t done any walking this week. I shall let you know how I get on later.

Monday, 25 June 2007

25th June 2007 Day 33

Another weekend gone and this one went really well again. We actually went out for a meal with some of Allan’s family on Saturday evening, this is the first time I’ve eaten out since starting Lighter Life. When we booked the table I got Allan to say that there was one of the parties on a strict diet and asked if it was OK if I could be provided with a bowl of hot water. They were more than happy with this.

I didn’t take a food pack with me, I took two of the savoury drink mixes instead, as I found these mixed easier, but I had made lemon biscuits out of the bar to have when they had desserts.

When we arrived I had a glass of sparkling water with ice, while the others chose their meals from the boards. One of them kept asking me if I was alright with them all eating and I said that it wasn’t a problem and don’t worry, just order what you want, I’m more then happy.

Not everyone had a starter, so that was OK and then when they brought out the main meals, they brought me a lovely soup bowl of freshly boiled water and a spoon, and I mixed up my savoury drink. I added some pepper and a couple of drops of Tabasco (which I’d never used before and it did give it a slight kick, so I’ll be getting some of this when I next pop to the shops). Everyone’s food looked fabulous and I kept asking how it tasted, not that I wanted any; I just like to know how it tastes.

I’ve been like this for a while now, as I’ve said in a previous post about getting Allan to try corn-fed chicken and then grilling him about how it tastes, watching cooking programmes and reading recipes, very strange, but it really isn’t worrying me, I’m not craving food at all. This is very unusual for me as with other diets I’ve craved for food and given in to the cravings.

Anyway, back to the meal, no one had dessert, which is quite unusual. I don’t know if this was my influence or because two of the party were quite light eaters. They just had coffee and then we went home. When I got back I had my Thai Chili soup and ate my biscuits, which I love as they are so chewy.

It was a really nice evening and I was so please that I coped that well, as I was dreading my first time eating out.

This weekend we also finished off the raised bed that Allan built for me, where I’ll be growing vegetables and herbs. It felt a real achievement getting all the earth in and then planting the beans, tomato & chilli plant. I don’t know how well they’ll do as it’s quite late in the year, but I’m giving it a go. Next year I can be more organised with what’ll be grown there.

So, all in all a really good weekend, I didn’t get round to using the stretch band and DVD that we were given in class last week, but I will get round to using them.

I also went into Next at the weekend as I thought I’d try a smaller size in tops, although I’ve said to myself that I’m not buying anything yet until I’ve lost a lot more weight, unless I really have to that is.

Normally I wear size 20 on the top and a size 22 on the bottom, so I got an 18 in two different t-shirts and tried them on. The first was a bit tight, especially round the arms, but the small sleeves didn’t have any give in them whatsoever as it had a lot of stitching/ embroidery all over. The other one fitted great, although the sleeves were, still a little snug, but not like the first t-shirt. I felt really pleased with myself and noted that I have to do work on toning up my upper arms. I did however get a few more holes put into my belt now, so I don’t feel like my trousers are going to fall down on me!!


Thursday, 21 June 2007

20th June 2007 Day 28 – 4th Weigh-In

Here we are at my 4th weigh in; it has gone so fast and only 10 more weeks to go!! Again, I was a bit apprehensive as I’m convinced I’m going to have a week where I’ve only lost 1lb (a couple of the girls last week had this), even though I’ve stuck to this diet without lapsing at all.

Anyway, I lost 3.96lbs this week (total 22.66lbs) and was so pleased as I’ve now lost just over 1½ stone in 4 weeks, more importantly I’m now 15stone 13lbs, which sounds so much better than 17stone something!!

I also asked to be measured again, as it’s now been a month since it was first done (I think I’ll do this every month so I can hopefully see a big difference, a couple of the girls in the class get measured each week). As I haven’t already put my measurements down I’ll put my original ones first.

23rd May 2007
Chest: 51 ½”
Waist: 43 ¾”
Hips: 53 ¼”

20th June 2007
Chest: 48”
Waist: 40 ½”
Hips: 50 ½”

Which means I’ve lost 3 ½”from my chest, 3 ¼” off my waist and I think 2 ¾” off my hips. I can really feel the difference as my bra is now on it’s tightest setting and I need to put at least 2 more holes into my belt.

Our counselling session was good; the DVD was talking about how we all need strokes (sort of compliment type thing/ activity/ treat ourselves). I have to read the handbook though as our group were all talking too much after the DVD, which is a good thing as we all seem to have bonded well and talk about all sorts of things that we probably wouldn’t discuss with family or friends. So, I need to have a read up and refresh myself and then I can do the homework which had been set.

We were also given a stretch band and exercise DVD, which I think I’ll have a go at over the weekend, it’ll probably give Allan a good laugh, but if it works I don’t care!

I’m out tomorrow night over my friends, who know I’m on the diet, but I haven’t seen for a couple of weeks, so I’m really hoping they’ll see the difference. I’ll let you know.

Almost forgot, I now have something to aim for as Allan & I have booked to go to Disneyland Paris on the 5th November for 3 days. So I’m looking forward to being able to slip into the seats on the rides and not worry about having to squeeze into them and be flopping over the sides (I’m sure you know what I mean).

Saturday, 16 June 2007

16th June 2007 - Day 24

Yesterday, I really notice the difference in myself since I've started this diet.

At the moment I'm working as a temp and have to take my time sheet down to the agency each Friday. This normally involves a 20-25 minute walk, which would make my feet hurt, my back would really ache and I'd be really out of breath and hot and in the end I'd started to drive down as I couldn't be bothered to walk.

Last Friday though I set off at a brisk pace and was there and back in 15 minutes, without any back ache or aching feet and I enjoyed it. I was so pleased that my back didn't ache anymore.

This morning we were up early as we had to take Barney, a Bernese Mountain Dog, swimming. He goes to a hydrotherapy pool as he has arthritis and elbow displasia, so he can't walk that far. He's also been on a diet and has lost quiet a bit of weight, which helps his joints. Anyway, he did so well at swimming and we really enjoyed encouraging him, as he can easily get distracted by the other dogs. The photo of Barney was taken a while ago now, as he doesn't need the harness anymore, but I forgot to take a picture of him this morning, he's not actually swimming here, he's in the jacuzzi, which he loves (yes, he's a pampered dog, but so lovable).

The diet has been going great today. I've tried a bit of experimenting and made lemon biscuits from one of the bars, which were great and will definitely try those again. Then for dinner I tried to make the stuffing from a mushroom food pack, to go with my vegetable soup. I really disliked the stuffing, it was absolutely foul and I could only eat a small amount of it. Oh well, that's the only experiment that I haven't liked yet, as I have now got the hang of making the muffins. I've still got one more food pack for pudding, so it'll take away the awful taste of the stuffing.

Well, I think thats it and Allan & Barney are dancing round the living room, so I think I'll join them.

Bye for now.....

Thursday, 14 June 2007

13.06.07 Day 21 – Week Three Weigh-In

The day of my 3rd weigh-in and to be honest, even though I’d stuck to the diet rigidly without deviating one bit, I didn’t feel like I’d lost anything. I can’t see a difference in my clothes, like I had the first couple of weeks, even though the girls at work are saying my t-shirts are looking baggier.

This is probably just me expecting too much, so when I went to be weighed, I was quite expecting to have only lost a 1lb. So I was really surprised when she said I’d lost 4.62lbs, which now takes my total up to 18.7lbs. I’m now nearly 2lbs off 1½ stone, this is the most I’ve lost on other diets, which took me at least 5 months to do.

This really is a very simple diet as you don’t have to worry about what food you’re having as long as you have your four food packs a day and drink at least 4 litres of water (I’m actually trying to do 5 litres, which I’m not struggling with at all).

Saying that, I haven’t been out to any restaurants yet, so I don’t know how I’ll cope with that, but going by what I’ve read on other people’s LighterLife blogs, you can get round it quite easily, hopefully, I’ll be able to as well. I do find it a little difficult at weekends when Allan is having a BBQ or nice dinner, but I’m so determined not to try anything as it really motivates me when I see the weight coming off.

Last weekend I even got Allan to try a piece of corn fed chicken (as this is what I want to try when I can eventually eat something again). He cooked it on the BBQ and I sat there with my soup and was asking him “What does it taste like?”, “Is it different to normal chicken” etc., I really didn’t want to try any; I just wanted to know what it’s like.

I seem to have a fascination with watching cookery programmes and reading recipes, but I’m not the only one, as it seems quite a few in our group are like that as well!

I’m persevering with trying to make the muffins from the milkshakes, and they’re getting much better. Last night I had a vanilla one where I put some of the Fruits of the Forest flavouring into the water I mixed it all up in. It actually tasted more like a little cake this time (albeit quite a flat cake, but I think this is normal) and was really nice. Think I’ll be experimenting a lot more now. One of the girls in my group said she’d made the stuffing and had it with her chicken soup, so I might give that a go too, I’ll keep you informed of how I get on.

Bye for now.

Monday, 11 June 2007

11th June 2007 - Day 19 – Week 3

This has been a good week so far and I can’t believe that I’m nearly a month into this diet.

The weekend was good as we had quite a quiet one, compared to the last one, although Allan barbequed everything as the weather was gorgeous again. I stuck religiously to my food packs and water and just savoured the smell of the BBQ’s that were wafting around from all different gardens.

Not much has happened this week, my friend and I went walking last Thursday and we managed to do an hour and covered 3.5 miles. I can’t remember the last time I walked that far. Although it was quite painful for me as I’d removed my trainer socks as they kept sliding under my feet and I soon regretted doing this, as I ended up with huge blisters on both my little toes and heels. I won’t be walking without my socks this time!! I’m still looking forward to it tonight though.

As I’d lost a stone I got Allan to take a couple of photos of me to see if there was a difference. I couldn’t see much of one, but I’ve kept it for my records anyway. Don’t think I’ll post it on here, I’ll probably leave it until I reach the 2 stone mark before I post anymore photos, I then hope you’ll be able to see the difference.

Well, that’s about it, so bye for now.

Thursday, 7 June 2007

6th June 2007 – Day 14 – Week 2 Weigh In

Well, I had my second weigh-in and I’m very happy as I lost 5.6lbs, which now means I’ve lost 14.8lbs, just over a stone in 2 weeks!!

I was a little apprehensive going to my class, as after the large weight loss last week, I thought that this time it would be quite small and I was thinking that after all my hard work over the week, what with a BBQ and a buffet to contend with, and my experience with other diets, I was imagining I’d only lose one or two pounds. So I was absolutely ecstatic with the 5.6lbs and I was bouncing around like a looney when I realised I’d actually lost a stone.

I think now the hard work really kicks in, as I’ve had two really good losses, so it’s bound to slow down now. I just have to keep focussed and think, “I’m going to be slim”. I did try on a pair of jeans after my weigh-in that had been hanging on my bedroom door for the best part of a year, with all the labels still on as I couldn’t do them up. Now, I can fit into them, OK, they’re still a tad tight, but I can do them up, so hopefully it won’t be long until I’m wearing them.

This week in our class we had three new ladies join us, so now our class is complete and no one else can join us. I think we have a good little group and I’m sure we’ll all be supporting each other.

Our homework for this week is to write ourselves a letter to say how we’ll look after ourselves over the coming year etc. So, I think I’ll sit down at the weekend to do this, I’m not normally one for doing homework, but I’m so committed to this diet I will be doing all the homework given to us, to the best of my ability.

When I got home from work today, I decided to plant up my little vegetable patch. I found it quite hard work as it made my legs ache and I got out of breath and normally I would have given up, have a sit down and probably eaten something nice and naughty. I didn’t though as I kept telling myself to not give up, carry on and think of the exercise your getting. I did carry on and felt a real sense of achievement when the ground had been raked and all my seeds had been planted & labelled. I do think to myself, “Why on earth am I growing vegetables that I can’t eat!” but if they do come up (and that’s a big if as I haven’t had much luck with growing seeds), they’ll hopefully be ready for when I’m on Maintenance, so I can have fresh vegetables straight from the garden. Well, that’s the idea anyway!!

Last time I left you, my friend and I were going walking, so we set off last Monday and did a really good 45 minute round trip with gentle slopes uphill. It was great as I never normally go walking much and I felt really good afterwards. We’re off again on Thursday (weather permitting) and going to make it an hour walk this time. Hopefully we’ll be able to build these walks up to steeper slopes over the weeks.

Well, I think that’s it, so bye for now.

Monday, 4 June 2007

4th June 2007 – Day 12 – Week 2

Well, that’s another weekend over and this was quite a hard one for me, as the weather was beautiful and it was BBQ time (my first one since being on Lighter Life and quite a large BBQ at that as Allan had his family down for the weekend). Unfortunately, I absolutely love BBQ’s, so I did find it quite difficult, but I thought of myself being slim and dug deep to strengthen my will power and again had my sparkling water in a wine glass, while they were having their lamb kebabs and then had my soup while they were tucking into their steak & salad. When they had strawberries & cream for pudding, I had my fruit bar and I felt really proud of myself for sticking to it.

On Sunday afternoon, when the family had left, we’d been invited to a neighbour’s birthday party, which had loads of buffet food laid on. Normally, I would have gone up a couple of times and not necessarily fill my plate, as I always felt self-conscious that people would look at my size and then at how much I’d put on my plate, but I would have gone up at least a couple of times. This time though, I stuck to just my sparkling water and had my soup when I got home and just enjoyed chatting in the garden with everyone in the sunshine.

So, all in all, quite a hard week food wise, but I got through it OK and felt proud of myself. I just wish I’d found this diet earlier – if I’d found it at the beginning of last year, I would hopefully have been slim for my friends wedding where I was her bridesmaid, or if I’d found it at the beginning of this year, I may have been able to have a little of the BBQ. Oh well, I just have to stick to what I’m doing now and think, I WILL be slim.

My friend and I have decided to go walking or aqua aerobics tonight, depending on the weather, which I’m really looking forward to. I have to start upping my steps as we were given a pedometer in our class last week and I’ve only managed to reach the 10,000 step goal on Saturday, I must improve on this.

Friday, 1 June 2007

31st May 2007 – Day 8

In our class last night we were given a recipe sheet so we can do things with our food packs, instead of having just shakes & soups. One recipe was to make a muffin – great I thought and decided to use my last food pack of the day (the chocolate one) and have a go. I mixed it all up in a ramekin dish and put it in the microwave for a minute as the recipe said. It started to rise lovely, then, in the blink of an eye it collapsed, and I still had about 20 seconds to go. I opened the door anyway, as I didn’t want it being burnt to a crisp and there was this stodgy looking brown lump in the bottom of the dish looking up at me. I decided to give it a go anyway and tasted a bit. It was quite chewy and not altogether unpleasant, so I decided to mix some of the St. Clements drink powder into it to sweeten it up a bit, then sat down to enjoy my so called muffin. It had more of the consistency of a fudge brownie, so wasn’t as bad as it looked. I think I need a bit more practice, so I will give it another go, I may even try a cheesecake recipe………I’ll let you know.
Bye for now.....