Thursday, 25 October 2007

25th October 2007 - Part 2

I can't believe I forgot to say, I'm now no longer morbidly obese or obese, I am overweight, how fab is that.

Anyway, if I don't get on here tomorrow, hope you all have a good weekend.


Conn76 said...

Hi there,

I love your new ticker! Very festive. And congratulations on the BMI. It is a strange sensation to celebrate being overweight - but a great moment.


Mrs said...

Congratulations, Amanda.

You are doing SOOOO well!

Keep it up.

Big kiss.

Mrs Lxxx

Lesley said...

Yaaaaay! YOu're doing so well - keep it up and, when you get to RTM do it better than I did!!

Lesley xx