Have had a good weekend and only nibbled a little yesterday. Saturday we took Allan's Mum to the farm shop where we get the fantastic meat. His Mum loved it and bought loads and Al got a little too. I did do a bit of cooking (potato & mushroom gratin), which Al said was lovely and I've put the rest in the freezer for another day, also to save me picking too much.
Allan's been doing a bit more to the deck, which I thought I'd post a picture of as it's taken up a lot of the last few weekend, so you can see what I'm talking about. Today, we also went sloe picking and found a fab place, which had loads of really big ones. Although to be honest I wasn't quite sure if they were sloes and Allan wasn't that sure either, so we then had to take them over to a friends to check with them and we weren't going to poison anyone!! They were, so it'll be full steam ahead on the sloe gin making, well, as soon as I get the gin that is.
I got my car back but I'm really not happy with it. As I was driving down the motorway, as soon as I hit 70mph the warning light , yes, the same warning light that was supposed to be fixed, started flashing at me again, the whole journey down to Allan's. When I got to his, I immediately phoned the garage, who said to bring it back in, of which I couldn't as I'm an hours drive away and here for the weekend. To make matters worse, my sister called me in the evening to say I'm leaking oil....I checked where I had the car parked and it was, couldn't believe it. Not only doesn't the job seem to be done properly, it's worse as it's leaking!!!!! The garage was also advised of this and they are going to pick my car up from my new job to take another look at it. Not a great way to start a new job, but I can't do much about it unfortunately.
Anyway, the girls at work gave me a nice send off and bought me a lovely bouquet of flowers.
So, I'll be making my journey back down to my house soon, hopefully without incident or breaking down and then starting the new job.
I hope you've all had a good weekend and a good week, as I won't be able to check in on your blogs till the weekend.
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