Again, I’ve been very lax on the updating, it’s just been so busy and then when I wanted to do an update yesterday, the system at work was taken down so I couldn’t do it. It’s up and running again, don’t know how long for so thought I’d do a quick catch up and let you know how I’m getting on.
I’m finding it hard on the dieting still, but I seem to be managing my weight quite well. I will have things to eat, but now I sort of compromise and have smaller amounts or if I’ve had a naughty I won’t have a food pack. Whereas before LL I would have had the naughty and just carried on eating regardless of what I’d had previously and if I was hungry or not. Now, I find I don’t eat if I’m not hungry, which is what I did in the past and how I got to be so big in the first place.
Anyway, my previous weigh-in on the 4th December I lost 1.76lbs and the other night (11th December) I lost 2.2lbs, which I was so happy about. In total I’ve lost 90.8lbs and I’m 2lbs away from my 6½ stone loss. So, if I can be quite good this week I’ll hopefully, fingers crossed, get that at next weeks weigh-in.
Tomorrow I have my posh works Christmas meal, which I bought my dress for, which I’m really looking forward to. I’ll get some photos taken of my all dressed up and I will get them posted on here. This may have to be after Christmas (in-between Christmas & New Year) as it’s just so busy at weekends with getting Allan’s house ready for Christmas as this year we are hosting Christmas dinner as it was only going to be us and his Mum, but his cousin & girlfriend have invited themselves over so there’ll be 5 of us. That should be fun as we’ve never done the dinner before, but I think I’ve got everything ordered/ in control.
When I post my dressed up photos I’ll make sure I also put the Disneyland ones on too as my blog is seriously lacking in pictures at the moment.
The lump is to be going down, so the antibiotics seemed to have worked. It’s still there, but much, much smaller now, which is good news, but I’m still keeping an eye on it and if it doesn’t go completely I’ll be back to the doctors.
Tonight I’m off to the hairdressers to have my highlights put in. I think this year I’ll have some red put in again as I had this done a few years ago and loved it.
My sister and I put up our decorations last night too and this year our whole tree is decorated with Christmas ornaments which we’ve bought from whatever place we’ve travelled too. We started a tradition that wherever we’ve been, we buy a Christmas decoration, so the new ones this year are from New York and Disneyland Paris. We’ve also got a glass Santa on a gondolier from Venice, a beautiful bauble from Chicago, black bears tangled in Christmas lights from Canada and a snowman made out of clear dice from Las Vegas to name a few.
It’s a lovely tradition now as it brings so many memories back whenever we unwrap them.
Anyway, I hope your all doing well and again I’ll try & catch up on your blogs soon. I had a quick look at yours Lesley and your new bedroom looks fantastic.
I’m finding it hard on the dieting still, but I seem to be managing my weight quite well. I will have things to eat, but now I sort of compromise and have smaller amounts or if I’ve had a naughty I won’t have a food pack. Whereas before LL I would have had the naughty and just carried on eating regardless of what I’d had previously and if I was hungry or not. Now, I find I don’t eat if I’m not hungry, which is what I did in the past and how I got to be so big in the first place.
Anyway, my previous weigh-in on the 4th December I lost 1.76lbs and the other night (11th December) I lost 2.2lbs, which I was so happy about. In total I’ve lost 90.8lbs and I’m 2lbs away from my 6½ stone loss. So, if I can be quite good this week I’ll hopefully, fingers crossed, get that at next weeks weigh-in.
Tomorrow I have my posh works Christmas meal, which I bought my dress for, which I’m really looking forward to. I’ll get some photos taken of my all dressed up and I will get them posted on here. This may have to be after Christmas (in-between Christmas & New Year) as it’s just so busy at weekends with getting Allan’s house ready for Christmas as this year we are hosting Christmas dinner as it was only going to be us and his Mum, but his cousin & girlfriend have invited themselves over so there’ll be 5 of us. That should be fun as we’ve never done the dinner before, but I think I’ve got everything ordered/ in control.
When I post my dressed up photos I’ll make sure I also put the Disneyland ones on too as my blog is seriously lacking in pictures at the moment.
The lump is to be going down, so the antibiotics seemed to have worked. It’s still there, but much, much smaller now, which is good news, but I’m still keeping an eye on it and if it doesn’t go completely I’ll be back to the doctors.
Tonight I’m off to the hairdressers to have my highlights put in. I think this year I’ll have some red put in again as I had this done a few years ago and loved it.
My sister and I put up our decorations last night too and this year our whole tree is decorated with Christmas ornaments which we’ve bought from whatever place we’ve travelled too. We started a tradition that wherever we’ve been, we buy a Christmas decoration, so the new ones this year are from New York and Disneyland Paris. We’ve also got a glass Santa on a gondolier from Venice, a beautiful bauble from Chicago, black bears tangled in Christmas lights from Canada and a snowman made out of clear dice from Las Vegas to name a few.
It’s a lovely tradition now as it brings so many memories back whenever we unwrap them.
Anyway, I hope your all doing well and again I’ll try & catch up on your blogs soon. I had a quick look at yours Lesley and your new bedroom looks fantastic.