Had my second Development class last night and it was much better this time, probably because there weren’t as many there, only 8 of us and 4 were from my old class. We were talking more as a group this time too instead of our own little groups.
Well, this weigh in was much better than last weeks as I lost 4.62lbs (total 58.1 lbs), which means I’ve now done my 4 stone loss…..YAY. It’s actually 4st 1lb by the LLCs scales but the weight I go from it is 4st 2lbs. This is because when I had my induction I was 17st 8lbs (as she weighed me then), but when I started the next day I weighed 17st 7lbs, so that’s why there’s a little difference, I don’t care though as it’s still a 4 stone loss. I am so pleased.
It’s actually come at the right time as my friend & I are going to another pamper evening tomorrow night and Lesley, we don’t go round in large nappies, although that has now put very strange images in my head. Last time we did this it coincided with my 2 stone loss (actually I thought it was only last month and I’d just got to my 3 stone loss and have just flicked back through the blog, how time flies). I’m really looking forward to it. We are also walking to the place, instead of driving, unless it’s chucking it down as we don’t want to arrive looking like drowned rats!!
I haven’t done as much walking this week, but I have dug my mini trampoline out and have been bouncing around at home loads of times throughout the day, at least 3 to 5 times. I must refer back to my list of goals for September though.
Also, after Lesley’s post about blackberry picking, I went out on Monday and picked lots. Still need loads more so I’ve said to Allan we’ll have to go out at the weekend and he has to come with me to reach the high ones. There were some lovely ones up high, but just out of reach and I could imagine if I’d tried for them, I’d have ended up face first in the brambles.
Well, this weigh in was much better than last weeks as I lost 4.62lbs (total 58.1 lbs), which means I’ve now done my 4 stone loss…..YAY. It’s actually 4st 1lb by the LLCs scales but the weight I go from it is 4st 2lbs. This is because when I had my induction I was 17st 8lbs (as she weighed me then), but when I started the next day I weighed 17st 7lbs, so that’s why there’s a little difference, I don’t care though as it’s still a 4 stone loss. I am so pleased.
It’s actually come at the right time as my friend & I are going to another pamper evening tomorrow night and Lesley, we don’t go round in large nappies, although that has now put very strange images in my head. Last time we did this it coincided with my 2 stone loss (actually I thought it was only last month and I’d just got to my 3 stone loss and have just flicked back through the blog, how time flies). I’m really looking forward to it. We are also walking to the place, instead of driving, unless it’s chucking it down as we don’t want to arrive looking like drowned rats!!
I haven’t done as much walking this week, but I have dug my mini trampoline out and have been bouncing around at home loads of times throughout the day, at least 3 to 5 times. I must refer back to my list of goals for September though.
Also, after Lesley’s post about blackberry picking, I went out on Monday and picked lots. Still need loads more so I’ve said to Allan we’ll have to go out at the weekend and he has to come with me to reach the high ones. There were some lovely ones up high, but just out of reach and I could imagine if I’d tried for them, I’d have ended up face first in the brambles.
I've just put my ticker on and for the first time my loss is greater than my 'to go', that feels good.
I remember being so excited about being over halfway to my goal - well done you, that's fantastic!!
I'm glad I've inspired another blackberry picker - the freezer is a great thing and there's also jams and jellies and cooking is fun even if you don't get to eat what you're cooking straight away or are giving it away!
Have a great pamper evening. I'm sorry - in my head, you're all wearing nappies - much more fun that way!! Hopefully not soggy ones from walking in the rain though!!
Lesley x
Fantastic! Well done you.
Just catching up. Congratulations - four stone!!! Fantastic achievement.
And well done for getting to Day 100.
You are doing really well and sound positive and focused.
Take care and enjoy the pampering.
Mrs Lxxxxx
Hi there,
Congratulation on the 5lb loss - well done you!
I plan on working my way through your entire blog soon...
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